3rd Trimester

Anyone else worried about who will watch LO when you go into labor?

My family is an hour and a half away and my father-in-law in an hour away.  My mother-in-law is only 30 minutes away so she was our "go to" person in case I need to go to the hospital in the middle of the night, need someone to pick our daughter up/drop her off at school, etc.  Well, we just found out today that she will be out of town starting May 22nd for 2 weeks.  I'm due June 6th but my daughter was born 3 weeks early.  So now I'm starting to freak out about someone being able to get here in time!  We really wanted to avoid having our 5 year old in the delivery room or having her miss school.  My husband has cousins who live close but they live in other towns and have their own little kids. 

Is anyone else worried about this?  I'm sure it will all work out, but I'm a total planner and I had this idea in my head of my mother-in-law being able to come quickly if we need her.

Addison Lily--Sept. 14, 2006 Evelynn Rose-- May 18, 2012
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