3rd Trimester

one unhappy mama...sick vent

 Last Tuesday I came home from work feeling a little short of breath and had a cough. I woke up Wednesday morning feeling awful and had a tightness in my chest. Called my OB was sent to L&D to get a chest xray draw blood etc. Diagnosis bronchitis, was given a zpack, an inhaler and told to get 5 days bed rest.

I finished my meds and returned to work yesterday. My energy is slowly returning but this cough I have is brutal. I now have this terrible back ache from coughing so much and a never ending headache.

 I get to work yesterday morning, my mom calls (she takes care of  2.5 yr old ds while I work) and says he has a fever of 102.5 and his asthma seemed to be acting up. I ask her to run him over to the pedi. Pedi says he has an upper respiratory infection start amoxicillin and nebulizer treatments, she will see him back in two days...

This morning before work between coughing and getting ready... I try to give ds his meds...he was refusing to take the antibiotic and the tylenol. So dh and I hold his mouth closed pinch his nose and beg him to swallow. He swallows about .5 of the teaspoon sits up and vomits all over me. Here I am 830 this morning covered in vomit calling the pedi  coughing practically in tears asking her what to do next. She says bring him back to the office tomorrow so she can give him a shot of the antibiotic.

Its been one hell of a week :(

Sincerely yours,

Sick and frustrated


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