Single Parents

Should I??...or Should I Not??

Hi Ladies,

After having what felt like the worst first trimester ever....I am slowly approaching my due date (May 16). My first trimester consitsted of the father of my daughter, threathing me because I did not want an abortion. He is 24 and I will be his 3rd BM, my daughter being his 4th child. We have started communicating with each other again in my 3rd trimster after his 1st BM discovered that I was pregnant... LONG STORY SHORT... I am a forgiving person...but I will never forget the hurtful things he would say such as (Why would you have my child, when I will never love it), and etc... He has yet to apologize..but I am trying to be an adult about the situatuation and have some form of communication so my daughter will know his side of family. But my friends and family feel differently... They think that he needs to apologize before he has any form of contact with my daughter... Am I crazy for trying to just act like "that" never happen, and those awful words were never said...or should I just let it go. *NOTE* He has  no job and won't be able to help me in supporting my child* What should I do?

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