
Can't get a LC response- pain ?

I've been having pain BF for the past week. It seems everyone's gut reaction is that it is yeast. LO and I don't have any other symptoms but pain, and the pain isn't like what is decribed in thrush descriptions. I'm sore. Not in the nipple area, but deeper like the tissue is sore. Kind of like my breasts have been tugged on a lot. 

LO and I recently began almost exlusively side lying nursing, and I'm wondering if there is a position or latch problem. Does this sound right, or could it be thrush? Should I just go to the doc for thrush, or should I continue to try to get a response from a lactation consultant? I've been trying since Thursday, and I think I got a generic email response about pain after sucessfully establishing BFing, and not my specific concerns. 

I'm so frustrated! It hurts so much, and I don't want to nurse too long at once. I'm crying at the moment and LO is upset that he can't nurse for as long as he wants. 

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