
Supply issue help

I tried Reglan and Fenugreek with DD1, nursed ALL THE TIME, but just couldn't produce enough to EBF.  At my 6 week PP appt, I had my TSH tested (I've had hypothyroidism since '06), and found out I was basically being overmedicated.  My OB told me she doesn't mind doing that for moms because it helps drop the pg weight.  I was pretty upset when I found this out, because I read that thyroid issues can create BF issues.  I'm seeing an endocrinologist this week to hopefully get some help with this.  Sorry for the long background info.

 My question is is it foolish to preemptively take Fenugreek to help establish my supply?  What's the earliest PP any of you started taking it?  I really want BF to work this time.

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