3rd Trimester

GD- When did you find out if you needed to be induced or have a c-section? (XP from high-risk)

I'm 34 weeks right now and diet controlled.  My numbers have been good and I've been measuring fine.  I think they are going to do a growth ultrasound this week or next week.  Is that when they will determine if I will go into labor naturally or if they will induce (or c-section)?  My appt. on Thursday was with the nurse practitioner and I mentioned how I have heard that doctor's will induce at 39 weeks.  She said yes, that is typical.  My regular OB has never brought that up or the need for a scheduled c-section.  Would I know that information by now?  

WIth my daughter, I did not have GD and delivered naturally at 37 weeks.  My OB said there is a strong possibility I will deliver around 37 weeks again this time, so maybe that's why he hasn't brought up an induction or c-section.   

Addison Lily--Sept. 14, 2006 Evelynn Rose-- May 18, 2012
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