3rd Trimester

Hesitant to Breast feed

I had DD#1 when I was 18, I breast fed her for 6 months, but really didn't enjoy it at all. Now with this LO it's getting down to the point that I really need to decide if I'm going to breast feed or formula feed. I'm hesitant to breast feed because of how much I disliked it the first time around, but I know it would be healthier for my little girl if I breast feed, so I feel like I'm being selfish if I don't and that makes me feel really guilty. I'm wondering if perhaps it wasn't enjoyable because I was so young and maybe, almost 8 years later, being older now will have a difference. Do any of you have any experience with enjoying breast feeding more the second time around? I'm pretty sure I will at least give breast feeding my best shot with this LO as well, I guess I just need some prodding and encouragement towards it to help me make up my mind FOR SURE! So please ladies, this is where I need all your facts and knowledge on how good it is to breast feed baby! Thanks in advance :)BabyName Ticker
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