Single Parents


I was wondering for those of you that are SM and working, do you ever find it difficult to get the time to take the kids out to the park ect. I know I am a bit different because my days run long and I am in school as well just wondering how some of the other SM's balance work with trying to take the kids out to play ect. It seems like I never have time when I get home but then I want them to get a good nights sleep as well...i usually get home around 5:30 and then its time for me to make dinner, help with homework, get them fed and then baths...usually by the time all that is done its like close to 8 and thats when i try to put them to bed...i know it sounds early but i get them up at 5am bc i have to go to pt at 630. my youngest always says mommy can we go somewhere today and i feel guilty because i want to i just feel like them getting restful sleep is more important...on the weekends we do get to do things...idk...just see the other children outside playing everyday and mine usually dont get to do that during the week...but then the ones i see playing i know have a spouse at home to help them and such...anyone else have similiar? how do you handle it?
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