Single Parents

Not sure what to think of this....

So I've posted before about my pending divorce and the fact that STBXH won't help me with anything for our baby due in July. To the point that he won't even claim the baby in our divorce papers to avoid paying for anything- at least thats what I believe his reasoning is.

Well, part of our divorce is that he needs to fill outt a set of discovery questions in order to  start the process of child support evaluation. Hes been asked 3 times (twice by my lawyer and once by a judge) and has failed to do it. He also isn't paying the bill he agreed to (utilities, rent on the house he kept, and some other minor ones for items he kept when we separated) so we have yet another hearing set up for next month.

I had not spoken to him for almost 2 months, not a word. Nothing asking about the baby, what the gender is, notta. 

Well, the other day he calls me, and asks about the baby and if I need help with anything..... ummmmm....??? how about half of everything?? He has also contacted me the last two days asking how everything is.

I honestly have no interest in him as far as he and I go, but I do want him to be a part of his child's like and to be a man and take responsibility. I want to believe that maybe something knocked some sense into him and he realized what he needs to do. However, given things he has said and the way he's acted since we found out I'm pregnant I'm not so sure he really cares and is more or less trying to make nice to avoid being held accountable for not doing what was asked for him by my lawyer and the judge.

My instinct is to let him know how he can help (which I did, I let him know to contact my lawyer about what his options are) and wait it out. What would you ladies do in this situation? 

imageimage Visit The Nest! BabyFetus Ticker :.:.Dear baby boy, No one will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.:.:
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