
XP: Please help! So discouraged about baby refusing the bottle.

I am back to work x2 weeks and DS won't take a bottle at. all. I mean, screaming and gagging and vomiting if any nipple even touches his skin. We've tried a million bottles, holds, every tip in kellymom, and I am a nervous wreck; My child is hungry and screaming and I'm not even home. DH has bursts of motivation, but it's hard for him to care for our two year old and spend 45 minutes three times a day trying to give a bottle to a screaming baby with zero signs of success. Eventually he will wrap him and he falls asleep hungry. I have been able to come home at lunch but can't forever. DH is depressed and discouraged and I feel like the responsibility is on me to "fix it" because he is kind of paralyzed by it and feeling like "what's the point, nothing will work." I have called lactation consultants who only say keep trying. They recommended different bottles too which we've tried and failed. It's awful, and I don't know what to do!!! I feel like we have tried so hard to set up a situation for our family that has worked well and I'm proud of with DH at home, me working hard to keep up BFing and pumping, etc. yet somehow, I feel like I am failing my child and family. I'm really discouraged. :(
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