
Help w gassy baby, and I've eliminated everything!

I need help and I'm at my wits end. 

My 3 mo old son has gas that I know hurts him because he's so tense, arches his back like crazy and is just inconsolable. 

I eliminated dairy, nightshade vegetables, grains, legumes and cruciferous vegetables. I know my diet now is not nutrient dense and things are still not helping so I'm wondering if I can bring back what I eliminated slowly. 

His fussiest times seem to be from 2-6 in both the PM and the AM. I've also tried pumping and giving him a bottle and he still has gas. He stretches his feedings on his own throughout the day to about 4 hours between feedings. But he likes to cluster feed during the 2-6 period. Not sure if that's helping or not but it seems to help. 

I've tried gripe water, mylicon, we've been a week on probiotics which seem to help some. His poops are still pretty runny, still golden yellow but super runny and not as frequent.

We took him to the chiropractor last week and she was able to help some (we're going back again today) but she seems to think there's a bigger issue here with his bowels that is in turn causing him to be so tense as well.

I don't think it's a lactose allergy because he would have other signs right? He's generally a happy boy too so I can't complain too much.  But I'm pretty upset that I feel like I'm trying everything and he's still in pain. 

Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome!  

ETA: I feed him on one breast at a time as well and he goes until he's satisfied. No time limits.  

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