
C-Section vs. VBAC...HELP!

Hello Ladies,  I posted this on 1st tri a couple of hours ago and I wanted to get some additional advice.  Everyone that was on 1st Tri is so helpful and understanding.  I am however still scared out of my wits.  In my heart, I know that I want a C-Section, but DH and Doctor are really trying to get me to do VBAC.  I am feeling so pressured and so scared that something bad is going to happen and that I am going to make the wrong choice.  I was so sure for my second pregancy that I was going to have a C-Section and all was going to be fine.  Now since the doctor gave me all of this stuff to read, I am scared of both options.  In my eyes, I could die either way.  I don't Google things for a reason, they just freak people out for no reason at all.  I don't like not being in control and second guessing myself and I need some further advice.  Sorry for the rant....


Ever since my first app last week I haven't been able to shake the only thing that urked me.  My new doctor is trying to convince me on having a VBAC.  DH is open to the idea but I am just so hesitant.  I have an extremely small frame, my DS was 8 pounds, 21 inches long when he was born, he was face up and after 24 hours of labor, 1 hour of pushing they decided on an emergency C-Section.  I do not want to go through that again just to get the same result.  My question is......that if a VBAC is suppose to be SAFER for the baby and for mommy, then why do I have to sign a consent form?  Is there a consent form for a scheduled c-section because there are risks with that too.....which the consent form for the VBAC had no trouble badmouthing a CSection.  Now I am scared of both options!!  I promised my DH that I will do all of my research and we will make the decision together, but in the end, isn't it really up to me and what I feel comfortable with?

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