
Sleep burp

My LO has reflux and has to burp a lot! I usually burp about every 5-7 minutes (he's about a 40 minute eater). I can always get burps out of him, except when he's sleeping. I know for some babies this snt a big deal, but for him it is. He eats at 9, and then sleeps until 4:30 or 5:00. If I don't get a burp out of him, he's awake exactly 2 hours later whining and seems to be having gas pains. I'm assuming he's waking up because the air was trapped in, and is trying to come out as gas. 

Does this happen with anyone else? It's so frustrating, because I give him as dros before he eats, but to no avail.I try to bicycle his legs, rub his him get out the gas. Then he's wide awake and fussy because he's still tired. :/ I know a lot of moms have bigger issues, like just getting their baby to sleep for more than 2 hours, and this may seem petty... But I don't know what else to do.

I burp him over my shoulder, rub and pat. I even sit him up on my lap..when he's out, nothing comes up! I would love some helpful tips or advice from other moms dealing with this.  

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