
FT(BFing)M with questions....

I did not BF my oldest beyond a week so this is all new to me. I have some questions.

My DS will be 2 weeks on Monday. We have her follow up appt to see if she regained her birth weight next Thurs. I have been continuing to wake her to eat every three hours offering each breast at each feeding till I guess we see her doc. 

Since last week she's gone from spending 20 minutes on each breast to now 10 minutes on one side and maybe 5-10 minutes on another. I bought a baby scale to weigh her at home and according to it she is 6 ounces above birth weight.

The problem is I feel like I am force feeding her by always waking her and shoving each breast in her mouth because sometimes she spits up what seems like A LOT and I am wondering if I am overfeeding her at this point? However I feel like I need to continue the every three hour routine till I see the doctor on Thursday, even though I know she has pretty much regained birth weight.

So I guess my question is:

1. Am I overfeeding her, hence the spit up or could this be the result of something else?

2. Should I keep offering both breasts at each feeding for as long as she'll take them and wake her up every three hours?

3. Is it a good thing she is only taking 10 minutes to nurse on one breast now down from 20? 

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