
Feels like there is hope!

Both of my girls are preemies. I pumped exclusively for 8 months the first time around. It was the right choice for us then, but this time I couldn't see pumping long-term with an infant and toddler to care for. Thankfully DD#2 has always been more skilled at BFing than DD#1. However, because of her very low birth weight (3lbs 8oz due to IUGR), we've had to wait to really emphasize BFing. 

Today at her weight check, DD passed the 5lb mark! The nurse practitioner (also an LC) said we could go ahead and offer BFing more this weekend. We just finished a good feeding where DD nursed for 15 minutes! It might be a small thing, but it gives me some hope that eventually I can quit constantly pumping!  

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