
weight loss/gain, healthy eating & milk supply (low)

With DD#1, I lost all my weight & then some.  Since it was so easy the 1st time, I think I gave myself more liberties this time around to eat whatever I wanted after DD#2 was born.  The weight fell off very easily in the beginning & I was almost down to my pre-pregnancy weight by 1month.  Since then, our life has been pretty hectic so we've been eating out a lot & again I give myself liberties to eat worse than I normally did.  So now I've actually gained some weight back & I'm not feeling too good about myself.  I'm obviously taking in more calories than I need to but I still feel hungry, so I'm thinking maybe it's not the number of calories I'm eating but the type of food I'm eating.  It just seems like nothing keeps me full though, which is very frustrating.  And I don't want to cut too many calories either because my milk supply is still a little low so I don't want to lose any ground there. Any suggestions?

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