
Need help! Ready to throw in the towel too! (kinda long)

I am posting here for the first time, but have been following this board for a while now. Everybodys thoughts are so helpful so I thought to give it a try! It took a while for my milk to come in so initially we were supplementing with formula. At that time we were using premi nipples so that he has to work a little harder at getting the milk out of the bottle. Now my milk has finally come in and we are breastfeeding most of the time with a few pumped bottles now and then.

I feed him every 2-3 hours during the day. At night he usually has one 4 hour stretch then its back to 2-3 hours again. Usually there is one or two feeds during the day (typically in the evening) that he fights the breast. My guess is hes so hungry he works himself up and screams. Its a struggle to get him to latch on and once he does and the milk starts coming out, he starts swallowing air. I can hear it going down and then he latches off and is a crying mess. Even after I burp him its this same cycle. When this happens I try and calm him down and put him to sleep. Then try again when he wakes up. This used to work, HOWEVER the past 2 days have been nightmares! He does this every single time now.  I actually ended up giving him a bottle yesterday and he downed 4 oz then fell asleep. I thought he would wake up his normal playful self afterwards but he woke up fussy, hungry and fighting the breast again! 

 I am physically and mentally exhausted, not to mention the billion scratches I have from his tiny but sharp nails all over my chest from his fits! I feel like hes constantly hungry but only eating a little bit at a time when breast fed. He hasnt been playing well the past few days either. Just plays a little bit then starts wimpering then his hands go into his mouth. I dont know what to do anymore. Please let me know if you have any suggestions! Breastfeeding has been such a struggle for me and I was so happy that my milk was finally in and now this.... I really dont want to give up, but I also want to enjoy my son!!


BabyFruit Ticker
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