
Lipase and gas drops?

I tasted some of my BM today (long story) and it tasted soapy.  DD has never refused a bottle, so maybe the taste doesn't bother her, but now I'm wondering if I have excess lipase.  The milk was several days old.  I also tasted the milk I pumped today and it seemed okay.

So, I have two questions:

1)  If DD doesn't mind the taste, do I need to worry about it?  I know it's not harmful to her, but if the enzymes are breaking down the fat, is the milk less nutritious?

2)  DD just started daycare so we have been adding gas drops to them to make things easier for DCP.  Could the gas drops be causing this some sort of chemical reaction in the milk?  We could just tell DCP to give the gas drops instead of adding them to the bottles.


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