
Help! 6mo Growth Spurt/Bottles @ DC WWYD????

Okay so I don't know what to do...

 My LO will be 6 months on the 29th.  I'm thinking he is going through a growth spurt, eating a lot.  At Daycare he eats 3.5 oz bottles every 3 hours and has for the past couple of months.  I only pump 1oz per hour, but some days I get more so I'm able to keep up.  However, the teachers at daycare are saying that he is acting hungry like an hour early for the past few days.  We haven't introduced solids yet and he's never had water or anything else.

 My question is.. what should I do during a growth spurt?  I don't have extra BM to send.  Should I let them give him 1 or 2 oz of water between bottles?  Should I start sending a little oatmeal to give him between bottles?   Should I send the BM in one large container and let them give him 1 oz per hour since he last ate when he gets hungry?  Should I try to increase the amount of BM?  

I should also mention LO has reflux.. I've read oatmeal is better than rice cereal to give reflux babies.  I don't eat dairy, chocolate, caffine, eggs or anything spicy.  Please help.. I'm confused on what to do.  I'm never with him when he takes a bottle or in between.  So I really don't know if he's just sleepy when he gets fussy before his next feeding or if he's really hungry.  I just nurse when he's with me and he nurses frequently at night and in the morning, but always has since I went back to work.

 Any advice is greatly appreciated!  Thank you! 

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