3rd Trimester

Ack! Amazon registry mix-up

So we have our registry through Amazon.  I noticed the other day that a few items were purchased, which is unusual-I think most people are just getting us whatever the heck they want, which is fine.

The box came today, addressed to my husband.  We opened the box, and sure enough, there were three items in there from the registry, all removed from online.  The problem?  We have no idea who the person is in the 'from' box.  We've never heard of her before.  So we did a Facebook search and within 2 minutes found her and saw that she had just attended a baby shower for someone else we don't know (scary, I know-lock those privacy settings!!).

I just called Amazon about the issue, because I really don't want to have to pay to ship this to the right address, nor do I want to pay to send it back to Amazon.  The person on the phone put me on hold and came back a few minutes later very insistent that the box was for me.   I work in customer support, and my translation was 'I have no f-ing idea how to fix this, so just keep the box'. 

So now we're in a moral quandry.  Do we contact this woman through Facebook and explain what happened?  She probably won't get her money back, as it really does appear she somehow landed on our registry when ordering.  I really don't want to pay to ship these items to another address.  If I return them to Amazon, it will credit our registry the amount instead of her credit card, according to the Help area.  But we keep thinking-what if she used her last bit of money to get these gifts for a friend?  They are for another baby.  It all feels so wrong.

As an aside, Amazon registries are amazing except for this issue.  We registered for a book, and some woman bought it 'for us' back in November.  We have yet to see that book.  And we have no idea who the woman was.  We're thinking she accidentally got on our registry and changed the shipping address when checking out.  So I guess this is more common that one would think!

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