3rd Trimester

FTM...Contractions? maybe...

Ok, so we had our 37 weeks checkup today, 2 cm dilated.

The last few days my stomach has been getting really tight and hard, lasting a few moments and then goes away. It was only happening once or twice a day. But today, it has been happening much more frequently. I have been timing them, not knowing if they are contractions or not. I have not been having much cramping. My back hurts just a little bit, not unbearable, not really painful...mainly just pressure. 

 For second time moms, or even FTM's who have already been through the process, are these contractions? Real ones, or are they braxton hicks?

I started timing them at 4:25, the first one lasted one minute, then I had another one at 4:40, lasting until 4:42, then again at 4:49 ending at 4:50, then another at 4:56 lasting until 4:57, then another 5:04 until 5:06 then 5:12-5:15 and just had another one at 5:23 lasting until 5:26. 

 They seemed to be about the same as far as pressure goes, but the last two, seemed longer and more intense. My docs office is closed, but I am wondering if I should call the hospital, but i it is just BH, I don't wanna be overconcerned. I am so clueless!!! 


What do they sound like to you?

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