3rd Trimester

My nephew is covered in warts

My 5 year old nephew has up to 50 (his pediatrician stopped counting) warts all over his legs, back, stomach, and neck.  He also has two on his nose.  They look like little white bumps, not like typical warts.  IDK how he got so many of them, but they are contagious.  His dr. says that if we "haven't gotten on by now, we won't" which doesn't make sense to me at all, but I am still careful about how much physical contact I have with him because I don't want warts! 

Well, my sister has to take him to a dermatologist to have the warts "burned" off with dry ice.  It will take more than one visit- probably more like several visits.  Nephew was diagnosed with these warts almost two weeks ago, and so far my sister hasn't even called to make an appointment.  I am due in less than 10 weeks. 

My problem- my sister is already so excited about her kids having a baby cousin, and she is always telling nephew about how he will get to hold the baby and have pictures taken with the baby.  In fact, if she had her way, her kids will come to the hospital to see the baby (even though our hospital has a strict policy about no visitors under 14.  She thinks she can sneak them in.) 

How can I tell my sister without offending her that I have no intention of letting nephew even touch my newborn while he is covered in warts?  I mean, really?  If I just say it like that she will be mortally offended and I am not in the mood for the drama that would ensue.  My DH is ready to be rude, but I would like to handle this nicely.  I don't think it is being over-protective to not want my newborn covered in warts lol.  Thanks!

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