3rd Trimester

On bed rest and having hard time controling weight gain?

Hi all, I am a FTM and am 33 weeks 0 days pregnant. I have been put on bed rest because of signs of preterm labour and I have already gained 30lbs since I found out I was pregnant. I know that between 25-35lbs is good for a woman who was at a healthy weight pre-preg (I was 125lbs pre-preg), but I am afraid that I will gain even more than that by the time I deliver. Anyway, my question really is, what can I do while on bed rest that could help me stay fit and not just gain a bunch of useless fat? Cannot do very much exercise.Thank you for any advice :)


P.S: Anyone know of any good exercise routines that I could do postpartum (like pilates, yoga, etc.)? I live in an apartment complex that does not have a gym btw so no exercise machines for me unfortunately. And I cannot afford a gym membership.

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