3rd Trimester

if you're having a boy/diapers/leaking just FYI - wish I knew

I read a post earlier about "just FYI" from a mom who just had a baby. She said huggies leaked and what not.

I just wanted to throw this out there, which ever diaper you use (IMO pampers swaddlers worked best for infant. Then once DS was in size 2 or 3's huggies worked the best)

ANYWAY. If you're having a boy and planning on getting him circumcised, keep in mind that you put a lot of vasiline on the penis and your doctor may even tell you to lube up the diaper so it doesn't stick. Yeah, well, when you lube up the diaper it's REALLY hard for the diaper to obsorb pee. Hence lots of leaks. You'll do better to put a TON on the penis not on the diaper. But at least keep this in mind.

Sorry if this is a stupid post, but it's something I wish I knew.


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