3rd Trimester

No, I'm not due any day now and no, I'm not having twins!

I don't understand why people find it necessary to comment on how big you look pregnant. It happens all the time. I was just at the gym and a woman was going on and on. I'm only 30 weeks pregnant and people think I'm due any day or having twins. It's getting super annoying. I'm a fairly small person, I'm not swelling anywhere but my belly is somewhat narrow and sticks out far. My baby is measuring a bit bigger than he should at this point but I don't think that's it. I'm confused. Is it the way he's positioned? My belly is measuring exactly where it should each time I go to the doctor. So I guess my question is, why do I look so big to people and why do people think just because you are pregnant they can comment on your body? Especially strangers.

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