3rd Trimester

OB having her own baby at a different hospital...

I haven't decided how I feel about this yet but I do feel conflicted. And I also realize that it's really not any of my business or my decision.

There are 3 OB's that practice at our hospital. 2 of them are husband and wife and the other is my OB.

The wife is expecting and due May 17th. Apparently her baby is breech and she is having a c-section on May14th. However, instead of delivering at our hospital she is traveling 2 1/2 hours to Beaumont(The big hospital in Detroit)

On one hand the Dr. that would do the c-section would be her co-worker and there might be a conflict of interest or an emotional side to that.

On the other hand if this hospital is good enough for all of her patients why isn't it good enough for her? 

Ultimately it really is none of my business but I honestly do feel a little bit put off by it...

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