3rd Trimester

free photos, wwyd?

Two friends of mine are amateur photographers, as in they take photos for friends/family/acquaintances on the side for fun/hobby.  One is a PA and the other is an RN both work with my mother in law and are both family friends and personal friends of mine.

They both contacted me to take maternity photos, and of course I said yes, I would love that.  No mention of payment was ever made, however I was thinking either this is a baby gift or I could pay them something?  Well..turns out the first friend I met on Saturday and she also brought me a baby gift, very cute and handy items...and we spent an hour together taking photos, that turned out great.  She does editing and made some really cool shots.

My other friend I met with my DH and DDs and she has all the fancy gear and took lots of really amazing photos that don't require any editing at all.  She hasn't given us a gift and it's been an underlying understanding that this is our gift from them.  

I feel like I should thank them somehow monetarily.  Perhaps a VISA gift card, or gift card to starbucks or flat out cash.  I have all rights to the photos and can send to whomever I like and order, etc.  They're all on my facebook page as they uploaded them this weekend and tagged me.  They are amazing!

WWYD to show your appreciation? 

Lionyl Osborne "Lio" is here! May 23rd 2012 at 2:54am 8lbs 4oz 21inches Born at 37weeks 6days
DD #1 born 9/3/2003 - 8 years old - 3rd grade!
DD #2 born 3/22/2007 - 5 years old - in full time preschool

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