3rd Trimester

Okay, now I'm REALLY over DH's cold!

Was on here complaining yesterday or the day before about DH's cold and how he is making such a big deal out of it.  Last night he actually woke me up in the middle of the night (after banging around forever in the bathroom) to tell me he had a high fever and ask what he should do.  I mean, REALLY???  You would think this was the first time his wife was pregnant.  We are on #4 here.  He really should know that you NEVER wake a 9 months pregnant woman!  After she just spent a full day on her feet at work and then came home and took care of kids all afternoon and evening.  Especially to ask dumb questions about taking Tylenol when he distributes it to our kids on a regular basis.  Then he gets back in bed and procedes to toss and turn for another hour.  So after this hour is up and I am now officially wide awake, the aching in my hips has become unbearable, I have to pee again, baby is wide awake and doing gymnastics and my stomach is growling because apparently I am hungry.

I finally gave up and went to sit on the computer, but alas my 21 month old woke himself up from coughing (thanks DH, looks like the kids are sick now too!), so I went and laid down in bed with him.  After some swift kicks in the face and belly for 45 minutes or so, I finally managed to fall asleep again although without my body pillow it was not too comfy.  Now I'm up, sore, overtired and over cranky.  Not to mention DH decided to stay home from work and is walking around the house moaning and groaning again and asking me if he should go see a doctor.  Geez, what a giant baby.  The man gets like 1 cold a year and you would think he was on his death bed.  Of course as soon as he has successfully gotten over his and managed to give it to myself and the 3 little kids he will very quickly disappear back to work so I can take care of the rest of us on my own.  As much as I am ready to deliver I really hope baby stays in for another week or 2 until this passes through our house so I don't have to worry about getting baby sick.  And yes, I have absolutely no sympathy for DH.  Any time a virus is brought into our house it comes from him.  The man is absolutely terrible about washing his hands with soap, using Purell and coughing into his elbow despite my years of complaints.  Even the kids correct him because he is so bad about it.  Going to be a long day...

Erin 2.19.06 - Carter Joseph 5.28.08 - Gavin David 6.16.10 - Liam Michael 4.29.12 - Baby Boy #4 due!
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