3rd Trimester

unfiltered water

Okay...I am freaking out. Throughout my whole pregnancy (I'm almost 28 weeks) I have been drinking water from (what I THOUGHT was) the filtered water thing in my fridge. We got a new fridge in August and when Sears installed it they said they installed a water filter too. Well, I figured it was time to change the filter so when I popped the thing open I discovered THERE IS NO FILTER. It has always tasted fine to me, so I never questioned whether it was filtered. Now I am freaking out that I have been drinking water that will be harmful to my baby :( My husband says that I am being ridiculous but everything I read always says it is not good. How many people drink unfiltered water? I know nothing about the water supply where I live (a nice neighborhood in the suburbs of PIttsburgh PA) so I don't know if it's really bad to drink tap water here or not. Am I being scared for no reason??? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
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