3rd Trimester

Friggin' liars! (nbr vent, kinda long)

So I was having a rough morning with DD so I decided to head out today after DH got home from work to find something to wear to my shower tomorrow. Found the perfect top and necklace and decided that I was just emotional this morning so I found some new bling for DD to wear to the shower tomorrow. My mood was better and I felt accomplished. I needed to run to the grocery store so I headed out to my car...

...where there was a police officer waiting to tell me that I had pulled too far forward in my spot and had tapped the car in front of mine! I told him that wasn't possible, that I would have felt it if I had. I looked where the two cars were, in fact, touching. If I had actually done this I know I would have felt it! There were scratches all over the bumper of the other car! Not a single mark on mine. I told the officer again that it wasn't possible that I had done this. He said the couple standing next to him came out and found my car up against theirs. My car was well within my parking place and theirs was over the line in MY space!

I burst into tears! I was crying so hard I couldn't breath. The other car owner wouldn't even look at me! Then when the officer came over to "explain" the accident report he actually asked me what was wrong! So I told him this whole thing was BS! He said "Well I wasn't here to witness the incident". I said "Neither was I!"

All of my hard work at calming my mood and relaxing from the morning was shot! I hate stupid people who lie! I don't need to deal with this crap 4 weeks before LO!

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket the right one will always make you feel like you are the most loved person in the world
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