Single Parents

does it get easier?

So for 7 months i've been the sole caretaker of my DD. she hasn't spent a night away, and aside from daycare everyday she's always with me unless i have to run a quick errand and i'll leave her with my mom. maybe it's my fault for being so attached to her. Tomorrow she'll be going on her first unsupervised visit with her dad who hasn't seen her since January. It's only 3hours but i'm already so sad about it. i knew the time would come that i'd have to "share" her, but still there's nothing to mentally prepare you for it. It's a temporary visitation order so he'll have her every Wed & every sunday for 3hours at least until we go back to court next month. Does it get easier having to share custody? Is it just so hard for me right now because she's so young?

OAN: I've been dealing with this custody BS since before she was born and people are surprised I'm holding up so well. After going to court yesterday though I'm so angry & depressed and have a lot inside I need to get out. Sure I can vent to friends but all they say is "wow, that must suck. I'm sorry". I think i really need to see a professional but I'm nervous that he'll try to use that against me in trial. Because even though he wants to "work it out ourselves" I know that we're going to end up in trial. My lawyer thinks it's in our best interests to not settle and take it all the way. Under normal circumstances It'd be ideal to work it out ourselves but our situation is far from normal. I mean this guy is certifiable and since i'm not a bad mother by any means he has to find whatever he can to prove his point of why he needs 50/50. 

i'm rambling...sorry. just wanted to know there's a light at the end of this tunnel eventually. 

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