
Is my milk gone?

I have a 7 week old lo? I have him latch on for 10 min or less he get really mad, fussy then I burb him do the other boob he gets mad again so I introduce formula. I have a manual pump. So then I bump I get 1 oz or less then 2 oz max when my boobs are full the tingly feeling like 3 hours later after feeding lo. my lo gets &  he still hungry so I give him formula around 3 1/2 oz. tried fenugreek it upsets my stomach alot so stop taking it nevered help me produce more. Is it that i'm one of the poor milk producing moms? I feed my lo 25% or less beastmilk  and 75% or more formula. what can I do? Also Formula getting expensive especially similac ready to feed what i'm giving lo. Was wondering if any of you lady's get coupons/check in the mail by similac i signed up but haven't received anything. If you do & don't use them my lo tummy would love & appreciate them. thanks for the help & advice.
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