3rd Trimester


Anyone else taking Prepped Childbirth classes? What about infant/child CPR?

If not, look into it - the overall experience is totally worth it imo. There is a ton of great information online, but going to class with your SO creates a bonding experience where technology doesn't, really gets DH involved & makes him feel more significant in the pregnancy. We both felt an increased excitement & intimacy post class & you both learn a lot together without distractions of TV, Games, Computer, stress from that day - etc.

Our hospital offered classes & I'm sure others do as well. If the hospital you're delivering at does not offer classes look around at other hospitals or ask your OB.

One of the fun things we did that sorta broke the awkwardness of sitting in a room with strangers was the little activities we got to do as a group. The nurse separated wives & husbands, had the the men & women write down 5 bests/worsts of pregnancy in separate groups then come together & read aloud the wives 5 bests/worsts & same for the DH's.

I don't know if all classes do that, but w/me it totally helped with questions both he & I had, baby/daddy/family bonding & being out of our home without the distractions & stress of daily life was really great & put things in perspective for him from a different source - which for me was beneficial (since my DH is stubborn) - I also noticed he felt less alone seeing other dads with the same concerns as he has. 

I really hope you other ladies/couples look into this - esp if you're having a communication barrier it really opened up communicative lines for us. Then we came home & baby girl was kicking up a storm so we both read aloud winnie the pooh to her back & forth. 

Just thought I'd share my experience to give some of you ladies an option for those DH's that have seemed uninterested. They're really not - they're just stressed & distracted ;-)

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