3rd Trimester

Seizure Disorder/Epilepsy Awareness

This is a post to raise awareness about Seizures & the long term effects it can have on a person's life. Not just the seizures alone effect a person's day to day life. But the dramatic effects of facing driving privileges being taken away, finding the right medication & the struggles you go through as a woman facing not only seizures but pregnancy as well. The drastic concerns you have on a day to day basis wondering if you're a bad person for being pregnant, knowing none of the medications out there are actually safe for baby. And the newer medications that are supposedly 'safer' for pregnancy but really don't have enough research to conclude the fact. The level of psychosis trauma a seizure medication can put a person through should they have a 'bad reaction' & end up facing misdiagnosis' of what actually caused the outburst - it's frightening, I personally have been through it & sure others have as well. It's disheartening & amazing the level of ignorance/aristocracy & mistakes one can face from Drs. when you as a patient are looking for help.

I believe the statistic is 1 in every 1000 peers have a seizure disorder/epilepsy & I feel there isn't enough AWARENESS raised on this topic & how scary it can be for a person to live with.

So please, take time & research about this issue - you never know if it could be your child, spouse, family member or even YOU.


Here is a great site with a plethora of information concerning this topic


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