3rd Trimester

need advice about bringing my 5 year old to the hospital on Friday

my c-section is scheduled for this Friday (YAY)....it will be at 1:30 (or around there)....my question is, would you have your child come that day (late afternoon once im out of recovery) or wait until the next day?  I;ve had a c-section already and know I will be out of it anyway that first day, but I would be so sad (and so would my daughter, if she didn't come that day.  I already prepped her by saying I will be VERY sleepy and groggy.  She would be brought to the hospital by my mom (once my husband tells her she's cleared to come) and would go home with my husband maybe 2 hours later.  I'm started to get very panicky about my daughter and want to make sure she is "taken care of" and is apart of everything. She is VERY attached to me (think along the lines of separation anxiety)and I feel waiting until the next day is not an option but wanted others opinions. 


Jaime... Mommy to Alexa Shaye and Sofia Gabrielle imageMy Bio CafeMom Tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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