3rd Trimester

Help. Afraid I will go into labor with no one to watch DS.

Bc of my dh's job, we live about 12 hours from both sets of parents and most family members. When I got pregnant, my mom had just taken early retirement and promised to "be there to help  me all she could when baby #2 arrived." well things have changed and  whether its my mothers selfishness rearing it's head again or her imagined financial issues, she has taken a six month hourly contract with no vacation until July. She  will be up for a. Long weekend after the baby is born and that's it. Ok, so I get over that and bite the bullet and ask my MIL up for help. I am due May 11 (was week early with my son) she will be here May 6 to 25. 

So originally, my cousin, whom I am very close to, was gong to come up April  30 to May 4 in case the babe is early. Sinc ethose plans have been made, she has gone thru an unexpected costly divorce and needs to watch vacation days. My heart burs for her, and I totally get it and want to be understanding but holy sh@t what if babe comes early and no one is here to help with DS? Now she wants to come up "when the baby is born." 

 We have only lived here year and a half, have some friends who I know would gladly help for a day if need be, but nothing concrete, they have small children too and their hands full. I don't want to be a burden. I am just so sad. Didn't see this coming. Any advice, anyone else in this situation?

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