3rd Trimester

If you're having guests stay at your house...

My husband is going to stay with me and the new baby in the hospital all four days we'll be there. So, my parents are coming into town to watch my son the first two days, and then my husband's parents are watching him for a day, and then my dad is coming on the last day to watch him when we bring our new LO home.

So, my house is basically going to be a little hotel for a week.

 If you're in a similar situation, are you providing food or money for your house guests? I would love to provide food for everyone who is coming, but I don't know the best way to go about it? Leave a package of rice and a pot by the stove [I kid, I kid...]? I have some meals already stored in the freezer that I could offer...but I would like to eat them when I get home from the hospital (having a c-section, so not going to want to cook). Write down the number of the pizza restaurant next to my son's meals? 

I don't know what the proper etiquette is for this situation? Any ideas?


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