3rd Trimester


Hello Ladies,

Things have been going so well lately...feeling great, baby's been moving around.  Today I went for my Glucose test (1 hour) at my OBGYN...

Now, I weighed 190 pounds when I got pregnant.  I am currently a little over 26 weeks and I've only gained 2 pounds :-(  Not that I want to gain a great amount of weight.  My doctor said overall my goal should be 10-15lbs. since I was on the heavier side when I conceived.  I eat! I don't overeat...I eat like I did before I was pregnant actually.  I'm really concerned that I haven't gained more weight at this point. In previous ultrasounds they said everything looked fine, but that was like 4 weeks ago.


Also, my LO's HB has always been around or exactly 158.  Today, it was 148ish.  The doctor didn't show concern, but I have an uneasy feeling about it!  

I'm so worried my LO isn't thriving! THOUGHTS? ADVICE?


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