3rd Trimester

Can I vent for just a sec, please? n(entirely)br

So for the past two days DH has been off, but rather than spending time with me and the kids, he's been outside bleaching/washing the house and mowing/weedeating not only our yard, but both of our neighbors as well. These two tasks took most of the daylight hours of both Friday and Sarurday. DS2 has been sick since Thursday with what the pediatrician deemed "something viral" and he's teething, so he's been in quite a bad mood for the past several days. Friday night I was up with DS1 no less than 8 times, for no apparent reason, he just wouldn't sleep. Then last night DS2 caught the fever of staying up most of the night, and I got up with him 6 times and when I asked DH to help twice he literally got out of the bed just long enough to go cover him back up and come back to bed. This morning when we got up he said he got up with him most of the night, then came into the kitchen and started dying the Easter eggs right by himself. I got up a few minutes later, and came out to the kitchen to put together what the Easter Bunny left for the kids, and before I can even get it all set out on the counter, he went into DS1's room and got him up and brought him out to the kitchen. At this very moment, he's still in the kitchen dying the rest of the eggs by himself, while I'm in here tired and fuming over what is probably a completely trivial matter. Ok, vent over, and sorry for the formatting, I'm doing all of this from my phone. 
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