3rd Trimester

Might be going into labour - What do you think?!

I'm a week overdue, a FTM, and lost my mucus plug in pieces today and yesterday. I was having mild cramping earlier today, and it has now turned into moderate cramps, they are quite noticeable and mildly uncomfortable, but definitely not unbearable. I know this is a stupid question, but does anyone think I am in the early stages of labour? The cramps are constant, they aren't coming in waves like I've been told contractions do, but they do seem to have gotten a little more intense within the last few hours. I am finding the waiting process very exhausting and I don't want to get my hopes up. All my friends who have had babies had the standard contractions that started and stopped and got progressively closer and more intense, but did anyone's labour start out like mine? Any reassurance would be greatly appreciated, I want to meet this little one!!
PEACE. LOVE. AND CUPCAKES Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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