
How to get mom to understand

I was formula fed.  My mom does not understand breastfeeding (and to be honest I don't understand everything enough to explain it to her).  My baby is gaining about 7ozs a week.  He is really fussy at times and will scream so much that he temporary loses his voice and his face turns red.  Most of his screaming fits are in the evening and might happen on and off all evening long.

She was convinced something was wrong with him and it didn't take much convincing from her for me to take him to the Pedi.  He said everything was fine with him (and a few other things I don't agree with but that's another story).

Anyways, she is always thinking that something is wrong because I BF him (usually).  Sometimes she blames it on the fact I use baby wipes instead of a washcloth even though he doesn't have diaper rash.

She says things like, "You should try formula for a week and see how he does.  I bet he will be less fussy" or "Maybe you should try an ounce of formula after your breastfeed him to see if that fills him up" or if I complain about being tired she will say, "you brought this on yourself by breastfeeding"

I had a talk with her and it helped for a little bit, but now she is back on it.  It doesn't help that she just found out that when my sis-in-law breastfeed her baby that he ended up being allergic to her milk and suffered terribly (this was 16 years ago - and i'm not sure if this is even possible).

How can I get her to understand?

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