
No engorgement or leaking?

I'm really paranoid about my supply because of my low supply experience with DS. So far, I have had to supplement DD with a tiny bit of formula (about 2-3 oz total over 3 days). While I was supplementing, I was able to use mostly pumped milk and just topped off with formula when needed. I haven't supplemented since Monday when DD's weight was up and a weighed feeding showed her intake was way up as well. We had another weight check and weighed feeding yesterday, and DD is still doing well.

Despite all the signs that DD is getting enough, I still worry that my body won't be able to keep up as her milk requirement increases. While my breasts feel fuller, I haven't had any true engorgement or leaking. Has anyone else not noticed engorgement or leaking and gone on to successfully breastfeed long term?
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