3rd Trimester

A trip to L&D last night

Yesterday after work DH and I went to get our taxes done. About half way through I started having more and more BH. Then they became kind of painful. By the time we left the office, I could barely walk across the parking lot. We made a bee line home to finish packing the hospital bags and for me to lie down for an hour and rest. I also called L&D, and they gave me the regular lie down for 1 hr drink lots of water more than 4-6 contractions in an hour come in advice. Well between the mild cramping, lower back pain, and on and off contractions, we went in. After being on the monitor for a while the nurse came in and asked if I had any. Of course since I was there I didn't have any of the big ones, but the back pain and cramping continued. She left and came back in a while later and said that once she looked at it, she realized I was having contractions every 3 mins! They gave me the option to stay the night and be monitored or go home. Either way they weren't going to stop the contractions. I decided to come home. She checked me, and I'm not dilated or anything, but at 35 weeks and being high risk, I hope she stays in there until I can have a few more appointments with high risk and figure out a plan.

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