
Nipple Pain- Help!

DD is 4.5 months and I have developed severe nipple pain over the last couple of weeks. I've called a LC and she couldn't help me over the phone so I am going to go in for a private consult as soon as I can get time away from work. She suggested I use triple nipple cream, which I started yesterday and hasn't really seemed to help. My nipples, especially the right one, are just really sore during nursing and for a couple of hours afterward--a sore, almost burning pain on the nipple only. I think it may be DD's latch because I'm not sure what else it could be. I don't think it's thrush because I EP'd over the weekend and they felt much better but as soon as DD was back to the breast, they started hurting again. I do get nipple blanching, but that has been going on for months and this severe pain just started recently. I try to watch DD's latch and it does seem to be a little shallow, but as soon as I correct it, she resumes her previous latch.

Any ideas? I REALLY do not want to EP but I feel like I am getting there. I've scoured KellyMom and can't really find anything that fits my symptoms...

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