
Pumping @ work & supply... help!

Hi y'all --

This is the 4th week that I have been back at work (baby is 3 1/2 months).  I'm only getting to pump 2x a day while at work, although I do usually get a nice 20-30 min session each time.  When I first started back, I was getting lots of milk pumped, leaking when it was past time, feeling full, feeling letdowns on my way to the lactation room, etc.  I was able to pump enough at work that day to put in bottles for baby the next day, or else I would be within an ounce or two of that goal. 

Unfortunately... as time has gone on, my pumped-at-work milk amount has been on a steady decline.  In evenings and on weekends when I'm EBF, my son shows no sign of not getting enough milk.  He eats til satisfied, doesn't fuss or seem hungry, drools milk out of his mouth, etc.  So I don't think it's a "supply" issue, because when it's him on my breast everything is fine.

I think my issue may be pumping at work.  I go to the lactation room, try to separate myself as much as possible from work stuff in my head, look at pics & videos of my son on my phone while pumping, etc., but I think I'm just having such a hard time focusing that maybe that is affecting my supply...?  Do you think that is possible?

Any advice?  I've read all over about fenugreek supplements... do you think I should start taking that to amp up my supply during work days?  I'm just nervous because my freezer stash is VERY SMALL, and at the rate I'm going I may have to start supplementing with formula in a week or two. :(  Which I REALLY don't want to do...

Help!! Sad


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