
EBF and spitting up?

This is my second LO and my first NEVER spit up like this. I am EBF - have never used the bottles except when LO was in NICU and I couldn't hold her. However, she is spitting up like CRAZY!!! We went through 2 sheets and 4 pajamas last night because of the mass amount of spit up. I have done everything that the pedi has suggested for us - feeding on an incline, burping halfway through each breast and at the end of each breast, sleeping with a wedge underneath her mattress so her mattress is at a slight incline....but nothing has worked. MY LO never cries, she just fusses and before she spits up she gets really fussy - not to the point where she is inconsolable though. What are you opinions? What do you do that helps with this? I read last night while feeding her for mom to eliminate caffeine so I am doing that but what else should I do? Would the gas drops help this?

 Also, LO does have a really hard time burping sometimes. It took my husband and I 15 minutes last night to burp her once. With my previous LO if she didn't burp no big deal but with this one I know if she doesn't burp the spit up is going to be worse....what do you guys suggest? I feel like a FTM here! haha :)

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