
Up 5 ounces a day in 1 week?! Can I keep up?

So my 4mo had been getting 4 bottles a day at daycare


2= 4 oz

Last week they said she was getting really MAD  when the bottles were empty, and that she needed more. So I bumped them all up to 4.5oz. The 1st day she only drank 3 (which ironically equaled all most the same amount that was in all for the day before.) Day 2 she drank them all. Day 3, she said she needed even MORE because she was getting really upset. So today I sent 4/5oz bottles. Hopefully this covers it, because that is an EXTRA 5 ounces a day from a week ago! Daycare asked if I thought about supplementing with formula. I told them I wasn't there yet.

Anyone else have a jump that quick? SO I have to pump an extra bottle a day or dip in to my freezer stash. Ugh  My LO is only 12lbs, But at the end if this week she might weigh 15! 

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