
My Success Story

Hey Ladies!

I was posting a question over on 12-24, and realized I had been wanting to post a little something here.  My DS just turned one on March 19th, and that marked reaching my goal of breastfeeding him the full first year.  I sought help here on the BF board and the age boards several times and want to thank anyone that reached out with suggestions or support at any time.  I know so many ladies have their challenges, especially in the first time breastfeeding, and I didn't miss out on my share of them too.  We went through everything from him refusing to latch, a nipple shield for 22 weeks (yes 22!), mastitis, biting, pump woes, and the home strech supply issues.  But there were the beautiful parts too, knowing that I was the one he needed, the quiet moments at night, looking back on how healthy he has been this year, and my own personal gratification that I DID IT!  I wish only the best for anyone on the breastfeeding path.  It is an incredible experience and wouldn't change my decision for the world.  For anyone reading this needing some encouragement, I'll share a ditty from Pinterest.  You're never going to look back and regret it.  :)

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