
I thought BF was supposed to keep baby healthy

UGH. I did not have enough good information to adequately nurse DS1 and after a failure to thrive diagnosis I gave up and he was FF. DS1 has never (knock on wood)  been sick. Actually, I take that back at 2.5 he has had one cold in his whole life. With DS2 I was determined to nurse. I went to meetings, read books, made frantic calls to the hospital LC after we were home and pushed through. He is now 6 months and has been in and out of the DR his whole life. He doesn't sleep through the night (which I know is normal for BF babies) but DS1 did at his age. DS2 is so attached to me he won't let anyone else hold him. He won't even take a bottle anymore. If DH tires to get up with him at night to help me get some sleep, DS2 screams like someone is murdering him. The minute I walk into the room he's fine. BF is starting to feel like a trap and he's not even getting any benefits because he's ALWAYS sick! 

I guess I just wanted to whine. DS2 was up all night with a high temp.  

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