
First week went well; not anymore

DD and I caught on to breastfeeding a couple days after she was born. It had been going really well. Then last Friday my right nipple started hurting badly. It appears cracked or as if she had bit it. Switching to a different position helps even though it still hurts. It's just not quite as painful. 

My left nipple is starting to get sore too and I'm not sure why. I thought we had the latch right since we were so successful last week. 

Today I'm having trouble feeding altogether. She cries and gives the cues and as I try to get her to latch she falls asleep. It's been at least 3-4 hours since she really ate anything, and even then it wasn't for long. 

Im not sure I have a question here, maybe more of a vent and looking for some support. It's just been a rough few days, especially today. Is it normal to have trouble like this after things going well? (ignore the start of the next paragraph, I'm on my phone and can't delete it!) 

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